Friday 11 March 2011

Trapping and Controlling the ball Facing Defender

The object of this soccer drill is to work on trapping and control with the foot, thigh, and chest while facing an opponent.

Trapping and Controlling the ball Facing Defender
 Trapping and Controlling the ball Facing Defender

Drill Objective:

The object of this soccer drill is to work on trapping and control with the foot, thigh, and chest while facing an opponent.

Drill Setup:

In an area approximately 20X30 yards work in groups of 3 players. Player 1 on one side of the grid and the other 2 players (Players 2 and 3) on the opposite side. Player 1 starts with the ball.

Drill Instructions:

Player 1 will serve the ball into player 2 and will follow the pass and defend player 2. Player 2 should move towards the serve, have a good control touch away from the pressure from player 1, and attack the sideline player 1 came from. Player 2 can pass to player 3 creating a 2v1.
To score the ball must be stopped on the sideline the two players are attacking.
The server should serve the balls to the chest, thigh and feet.

Drill Coaching Points:

  • Quick control and movement forward.
  • First touch is into space away from advancing player.
  • controlling player must decide to dribble or pass
  • make sure player is controlling the ball properly (see links below)

Drill Variations

Place a 2nd defender 5-7 yards behind player 2 and 3 to put pressure from the back side of the attackers. This defender should make a recovery run to get goal-side of the ball.

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